Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Retrieve CPU brand by C and Win32 API

Retrieve CPU brand by C and Win32 API
This task use C and Win32 API to read CPU brand.
Read CPU brand using cpuid
Call GetCPUBrand method to retrieve CPU brand.
string GetCPUBrand() {
    char pszCPUBrand[49];  
    memset(pszCPUBrand, ' ', 49);  
    _asm {
        mov eax, 80000002h
        // getting information from EAX
        mov pszCPUBrand[0], al
        mov pszCPUBrand[1], ah
        ror eax, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[2], al
        mov pszCPUBrand[3], ah
        // getting information from EBX
        mov pszCPUBrand[4], bl
        mov pszCPUBrand[5], bh
        ror ebx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[6], bl
        mov pszCPUBrand[7], bh
        // getting information from ECX
        mov pszCPUBrand[8], cl
        mov pszCPUBrand[9], ch
        ror ecx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[10], cl
        mov pszCPUBrand[11], ch
        // getting information from EDX
        mov pszCPUBrand[12], dl
        mov pszCPUBrand[13], dh
        ror edx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[14], dl
        mov pszCPUBrand[15], dh
        mov eax, 80000003h
        // getting information from EAX
        mov pszCPUBrand[16], al
        mov pszCPUBrand[17], ah
        ror eax, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[18], al
        mov pszCPUBrand[19], ah
        // getting information from EBX
        mov pszCPUBrand[20], bl
        mov pszCPUBrand[21], bh
        ror ebx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[22], bl
        mov pszCPUBrand[23], bh
        // getting information from ECX
        mov pszCPUBrand[24], cl
        mov pszCPUBrand[25], ch
        ror ecx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[26], cl
        mov pszCPUBrand[27], ch
        // getting information from EDX
        mov pszCPUBrand[28], dl
        mov pszCPUBrand[29], dh
        ror edx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[30], dl
        mov pszCPUBrand[31], dh
        mov eax, 80000004h
        // getting information from EAX
        mov pszCPUBrand[32], al
        mov pszCPUBrand[33], ah
        ror eax, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[34], al
        mov pszCPUBrand[35], ah
        // getting information from EBX
        mov pszCPUBrand[36], bl
        mov pszCPUBrand[37], bh
        ror ebx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[38], bl
        mov pszCPUBrand[39], bh
        // getting information from ECX
        mov pszCPUBrand[40], cl
        mov pszCPUBrand[41], ch
        ror ecx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[42], cl
        mov pszCPUBrand[43], ch
        // getting information from EDX
        mov pszCPUBrand[44], dl
        mov pszCPUBrand[45], dh
        ror edx, 16
        mov pszCPUBrand[46], dl
        mov pszCPUBrand[47], dh
    pszCPUBrand[48] = '\0';
    return string(pszCPUBrand);

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