Grab video from YouTube
Grab video from YouTube
- Create javascript sandbox with jsoup support
- Add Lucene support to javascript sandbox
- Create javascript as following
var env; var args; function main(penv, pargs) { env = penv; args = pargs;'Starting'); while (true) { var queue_list = loadQueue();'Size: ' + queue_list.size()); while (queue_list.size() > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < queue_list.size(); i++) { var queue = queue_list.get(i); grabVideo(queue); queue.setString('crawled', 'true');; } queue_list = loadQueue(); } grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); grabCategory(''); }'Ending'); } function grabVideo(queue) { try { var url = queue.getString('url'); var title = queue.getString('title'); var image = queue.getString('image'); var conn = env.newJsoup().connect(url).userAgent('Mozilla/5.001 (windows; U; NT4.0; en-US; rv:1.0) Gecko/25250101'); var doc = conn.timeout(60000).get(); var child ='#eow-description').first(); var desc = env.newString(''); if (child != null) { desc = child.text(); } else { child ='#ded').first(); if (child != null) { desc = child.text(); } } saveLink(title, url, desc, image, ''); var html = doc.html(); var pos1 = html.indexOf('var rvl ='); var pos2 = html.indexOf('var cml ='); if (pos1 < 0 || pos2 < 0 || pos1 >= pos2) return; var js1 = html.substring(pos1 + 9, pos2); var obj1 = null; eval('obj1 = ' + js1); if (obj1 == null) return; for (var i = 0; i < obj1.length; i++) { var item = obj1[i]; var url2 = env.newString('' + item.k); var title2 = item.t; var image2 = env.newString(env.newURL(env.newURL(''), item.i)); markVideo(title2, url2, image2);'Video: ' + title2 + ' | ' + url2 + ' | ' + image2); } } catch (e) { env.error(e); } } function saveLink(title, url, desc, image, price) { url = env.newString(url); var pos = url.lastIndexOf('&feature='); if (pos >= 0) { url = url.substring(0, pos); } if (findLinkByUrl(url)) return; var schema = 's|url|a|title|a|desc|s|fixed|d|score|s|site|s|image|s|price'; var entity = env.newEntity(); entity.setSchema(schema); entity.setKind('Link'); entity.setId(env.uniqid()); entity.setString('url', url); entity.setString('title', title); entity.setString('desc', desc); entity.setString('fixed', 'true'); entity.setDouble('score', 100); entity.setString('image', image); entity.setString('price', price); try { var t_url = env.newURL(url); var t_host = t_url.getHost(); entity.setString('site', t_host); } catch (e) { env.error(e); }; + ' | ' + url); } function findLinkByUrl(url) { var entity = env.newEntity(); var query = entity.newTermQuery(entity.newTerm('url', url)); var size = entity.count('Link', query, 1); return (size > 0); } function grabCategory(catUrl) { try { var conn = env.newJsoup().connect(catUrl).userAgent('Mozilla/5.001 (windows; U; NT4.0; en-US; rv:1.0) Gecko/25250101'); var doc = conn.timeout(60000).get(); var items ='.browse-item'); for (var i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { var item = items.get(i); var child ='.browse-item-content h3 a').first(); if (child == null) continue; var title = child.text().trim(); var url = env.newString(env.newURL(env.newURL(''), child.attr('href')) + ''); child ='.yt-thumb-clip-inner img').first(); var image = env.newString(''); if (child != null) { image = env.newString(env.newURL(env.newURL(''), child.attr('data-thumb')) + ''); } markVideo(title, url, image); } } catch (e) { env.error(e); } } function markVideo(title, url, image) { if (findQueueByUrl(url)) return; var schema = 's|url|s|title|s|image|s|crawled'; var entity = env.newEntity(); entity.setSchema(schema); entity.setKind('Queue_YouTube'); entity.setId(env.uniqid()); entity.setString('url', url); entity.setString('title', title); entity.setString('image', image); entity.setString('crawled', 'false');; } function findQueueByUrl(url) { var entity = env.newEntity(); var query = entity.newTermQuery(entity.newTerm('url', url)); var size = entity.count('Queue_YouTube', query, 1); return (size > 0); } function loadQueue() { var entity = env.newEntity(); var tag ='Queue_YouTube', entity.newTermQuery(entity.newTerm('crawled', 'false')), 10); return tag; }
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